
You know right?

That you matter.

I really hope so.

If not, I’m pleased to be telling you.

Because we don’t tell each other enough.

Or at all sadly.

As you go about your day to day, waking, working, eating, sleeping, doing and escaping on repeat, it’s no surprise if you feel like you don’t matter.

Everything is about everyone and everything outside of YOU.

As if the outside matters more.

You ever wondered why that is?

Or have you even stopped long enough to notice?

Maybe not.

We instinctively know from birth though. Everything is about US until people outside start to teach us otherwise.

You remember.

All the rules of what you should and shouldn’t do, and how you should or shouldn’t be based on the people and environment you were born into, come in.

Gradually, you matter less and less.

So how do you get back to mattering?

For me, it was recognising my self, learning about my self, standing by my self and loving my self.

No matter what.

The self that most outside of me tried to deny, hide or shame me for being.

It’s like the blind leading the blind really.

People just copy each other.

Even though we have the highest intentions, it isn’t always delivered or received that way.

And that’s ok.

We’re all perfectly imperfect.

What’s not ok, is those same people keeping you blind.

Unless repeating the blind leading the blind cycle is serving you.

Is it?